Custom Bot Functions
Here is a guide to create customizable discord bot functions.
Before you begin
Please make sure that the functions dont have the same names as the regular client functions of discord bots. For example dont name it member since client.member is already built into discord.js.
Building a custom function
For building a custom function we create a file in src/functions
. The name of the file doesnt matter but might name it as you name the function. In that case we create a file called handleDefault.js
. This function will handle a default answer in switch
The file structure
Here is the structure of the file:
What we did now is a function which makes a default answer when a command got executed but doesnt exist.
Calling the function
To call the function in your command, here is the code example:
Using it in a switch function:
What we did here is, when someone is trying to execute the test2 command, it replies with the answer of `client.defaultReply()` as we made the function for it before.
Last updated