Handling Discord Events
To handle events we use a custom made handler like we use for the commands.
Folder Path: ./src/Event Handler/
In that folder you can create custom sub folders with a name you'd like to use as category. In that folder you create a file calles YOUR_FILE_NAME.js
. This is going to be the file where you handle the event.
Code example:
// Import necessary components from the discord.js library
const { EmbedBuilder, Events, AuditLogEvent } = require('discord.js');
// Load the theme configuration from a JSON file for styling embeds
const theme = require('../../../embedModule/config.json');
// Import database schema for logging audit events
const Audit_Log = require('../../Schemas.js/auditlog');
// Import database schema for logging different types of actions
const log_actions = require("../../Schemas.js/logactions");
// Retrieve a token using a custom function from the encryption module; '5' might be a parameter for token generation
const token = require("../../../encrypt").token(5);
// Import a permission checking function from a utility module
const perm = require("../../../functions").perm;
// Define the main module export where 'client' is the Discord client object
module.exports = async (client) => {
// Set up an event listener for when a guild member is banned
client.on(Events.GuildBanAdd, async (ban) => {
// Execute a permission check using the banned member's ID
// Fetch the last (most recent) audit log for the member ban event
const fetchedLogs = await ban.guild.fetchAuditLogs({
limit: 1,
type: AuditLogEvent.MemberBanAdd,
const banLog = fetchedLogs.entries.first(); // Get the first log entry
// Determine the moderator who executed the ban, default to 'Unknown' if no log is found
const moderator = banLog ? banLog.executor.tag : 'Unknown';
// Create an embed for the audit log using settings from the theme configuration
const auditEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle('Member Banned')
.setDescription(`Member: ${ban.user.tag}\nReason: ${ban.reason || 'No reason provided'}\nModerator: ${moderator}`)
.setFooter({ text: 'Nexus Audit Log System' });
// Retrieve audit log data for the guild from the database
const data = await Audit_Log.findOne({ Guild: ban.guild.id });
if (!data) return; // Exit if no audit log data is found
// Fetch the Discord channel where audit logs are sent, handle errors gracefully
const auditChannel = await client.channels.fetch(data.Channel).catch(() => null);
if (auditAttend banChannel) {
// Send the embed to the designated audit log channel
await auditChannel.send({ embeds: [auditEmbed] }).catch(() => {});
// Log the ban action in a separate database collection for audit purposes
await log_actions.create({
Moderator: moderator,
Action: "BAN_MEMBER",
Guild: ban.guild.id,
Reason: ban.reason || 'No reason provided',
ID: token
Last updated